Corporate Partnerships

Bankside Open Spaces Trust welcomes corporate partnerships to help us continue to improve where we work through green spaces, volunteering and community events.

Why partner with us?

  • The need for Bankside Open Spaces Trust is real and great. The densely populated residential and business districts of Bankside, Lambeth and Southwark have severely limited green outdoor space, yet access to open space is proven to improve both mental & physical health.

  • In 2018/19, we brought over 1 million people together to reduce loneliness, improve health and well-being and to learn new skills via our 19 open spaces.

  • We’re in a time of organisational growth and step change. Be part of the revolution to make London greener!

  • Supporting us means supporting a cause close to your offices that will also provide a healthier working environment for your staff, their families, customers and clients.

  • Our work meets many CSR touch points to include environment, mental & physical health, children & young people, disadvantage, NEET, training, education, employment and community cohesion.

  • Working with Bankside Open Spaces Trust also compliments corporate sustainability and environmental working practices.

  • We offer regular opportunities for corporate supporters to visit and volunteer at our local spaces and witness the impact of financial support first hand.

  • Our partners can benefit from unique funder recognition and branding at key open spaces in London.

We are growing communities together. Will you join our team?

We work with companies in a number of ways and all of our partnerships are designed to be mutually beneficial, click below to discover the ways your company can get involved:

Would you like to find out more? Email

Your company can support our work while having fun and escaping the office. We offer employee volunteering at our Green Team Workdays or if you fancy a picnic or competitive summer party, Waterloo Green, Red Cross Garden or Marlborough Sports Garden are available to hire.