Summer at Marlborough Sports Garden
We celebrate the summer here at Bankside Open Space Trust by helping our community stay active and connected! We kick off the season with our much loved Bankside Open Spaces Festival, showcasing everything that’s great about our local area and its green spaces, and then we make sure the fun continues into autumn with our sports summer camps for children and young people at Marlborough Sports Garden!
Southwark Loop Summer Camp
Our video is a snapshot of a summer of fun - thanks to all involved and to filmmaker Amara Bjorkhaug:
In 2024 Bankside Open Spaces Trust joined forces with London South Bank University Sports Ambassador’s Scheme to give our local children an active summer of sports coaching, healthy snacks and creative activities.
We also welcomed coaches from Empowr CIC for roller skating skills, Deuce Beach Tennis, Art 4 Space for creative breaks and took our participants on a trip to The Font climbing centre in borough.
Around 100 children joined us this summer, learning new skills and hanging out with friends old and new. They also got to meet Olympic medallist Adam Burgess - inspiring a lifetime love of sport.
Take a look at our film to see how we ran our local children ran, jumped, bounced, played and hula-ed through the summer holidays!
Free holiday sports camp places
Thanks to funding from Surrey Cricket Foundation, we were able to offer free places via local schools to families who might benefit. And everyone learnt cricket skills too!
Thanks to all our coaches who made the summer so special.
Active all year round at Marlborough Sports Garden
Once summer ends, we don’t give up on sport - we celebrate staying active all year round with FREE afterschool sports sessions for primary school children, weekend football coaching for older children and young people, and special sports activities with local schools. If you’d like to chat about sports for kids at Marlborough Sports Garden, email