Buzzin' events for the National Park City Festival!

We welcomed visitors big, small and buzzing to our spaces as part of the Mayor of London’s National Park City Festival in July. We held two guided walks around our Red Cross, Crossbones, Mint street, Winchester Palace and Tate Community Gardens, giving participants the story of the gardens, some local history and ideas for planting at home. A map has also been produced, giving people information about our sites so that they can undertake their own self-guided tour! Download it here or pick up a copy at Red Cross Garden.

We also held an afternoon of games, crafting, gardening and cake at Red Cross in celebration of our pollinating pals! Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated London becoming a National Park City with us, and to Dale from Bermondsey Bees for bringing his visiting beehive and educating us all about beeskeeping.

Sarah Mangan