We Are Here - installation at Crossbones Graveyard

"We Are Here”, an installation to honour people known to be buried at Crossbones Graveyard, based on new research about the site by Lucy Coleman-Talbot

Image by illustrator Emily Vanns, whose work forms part of the installation.

Image by illustrator Emily Vanns, whose work forms part of the installation.

At: Crossbones Graveyard, Union Street, London SE1 1TA.  

Times: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 20th-31st October, 12pm-2pm 

 Lucy Coleman-Talbot, researcher and volunteer at Crossbones Graveyard, has collaborated with sculptor Adrian, and illustrator Emily Vanns, to create a moving and sensitive art installation, which documents and brings to the fore the names and stories of people buried at Crossbones.  

 The installation, which includes reconstructions of coffins found on the site by Museum of London archaeologists, including one of a child, will be in place for the public to visit until Sunday 31st October.   

On the final day, Lucy will give a talk about the project and the final two burials that took place at Crossbones after its forced closure will be honoured. Tickets for this event, 'The Last Burials at Crossbones Graveyard' are available via Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-last-burials-at-crossbones-graveyard-tickets-182643390297?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

 For more information email Helen John, hej@bost.org.uk


Mary Trafford