Walking Tour - Borough's Amazing Green Spaces

Join Dr Stephen King for a fun and informative guided tour of Borough’s amazing green spaces and the 2,000 years of history behind them. Meet some of the amazing characters who lived in Borough - heroines and villains, real and fictional.

This tour is part of our Bankside Open Spaces Festival taking place from 12-6pm on the 25 September. Refreshments, live music and an accessible toilet will be available at Red Cross Garden, as well as a whole host of activities in our other gardens nearby - Marlborough Sports Garden and Crossbones Graveyard.

You can find out more about Stephen’s tours on social media @stevedoestours / https://www.facebook.com/stevedoestours and on TripAdvisor.

Starts at 3:30pm and lasts about 90 minutes, it s a gentle stroll and starts and finishes at the Red Cross Garden. Tickets are available by suggestion donation here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/boroughs-amazing-green-spaces-a-gentle-stroll-of-discovery-tickets-171093875387

Borough's Amazing Green Spaces A walking tour with Dr Steve King.png
Mary Trafford