Pomander Pumpkins Workshop

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Part of the Bankside Open Spaces Festival, 25 September 2021, 12-6pm at Red Cross Garden, Marlborough Sports Garden and Crossbones Graveyard.

Join the Old Operating Theatre’s Herb Garret at Red Cross Garden from 12pm onwards for a crafty workshop creating pomander pumpkins. For hundreds of years, it was believed that if you breathed in a horrible smell, it would cause you to become very unwell.  As a protection, people would carry a scented ball called a pomander, which would be held to their nose if they were entering into a smelly area.

At this creative workshop learn more about historical and contemporary herbal health and wellness and make your own Autumn themed ‘pumpkin’ pomander to take home with you. 

All materials will be provided by the Museum, but please note that sewing needles will be used in this activity.

Mary Trafford