Marlborough Sports Garden - on ITN

Bankside Open Spaces Trust’s Marlborough Sports Garden features on ITN Business’ Solutions Towards Net Zero programme. Our Head of Sport Jack Harrison discusses how we run the site with net zero in mind, and how making an impact on the local environment can affect change on a larger scale.

You can also see some of our fantastic afterschool sports participants enjoying the space!


From ITN Business, featuring British Association for Sustainable Sport, which Bankside Open Spaces Trust is part of:

Marlborough Sports Garden - a sustainable build for a sustainable future

We are redeveloping our Marlborough Sports Garden, following community conversations that revealed that indoor spaces, especially toilets and changing rooms, were needed. We are also planning to upgrade our sports facilities so that local people have access to a range of activities that boost their health and wellbeing.

As an environmental organisation, we are dedicated to making any changes to our sites as sustainable as possible, this is why our designs for the site have been created with circular economy principles in mind.

Embracing the Circular Economy at Bankside Open Spaces Trust

Our architect’s Cullinan Studio have crafted designs for Marlborough Sports Garden that place a premium on material reuse, significantly influencing look and feel of our building. From the intentional organisation of the structural grid to accommodate reclaimed steel columns and timber beams, to the meticulous planning for disassembly, every facet of the design fosters a commitment to sustainability.

Our commitment extends beyond design and construction — we also plan to rethink how we talk about the materials used in the building process. We won’t be called leftover products ‘waste’. Our team will know them as 'arisings’ – this is so we remember that these items can be reused or redistributed locally. We’ll have a Green Foreman on site to oversee this redistribution, they’ll also carefully select products to ensure we reduce airings and packaging from the outset.

Marlborough Sports Garden - a ZAP project

Marlborough Sports Garden’s redevelopment is part of the Zero Avoidable Packaging (ZAP) initiative as a live case study. This means we are actively developing scalable solutions to combat avoidable packaging waste in construction. The overall project delves into designing out packaging waste, responsibly procuring packaging products, and constructing with a zero-waste mindset and we’re proud to be part of it. To learn more about ZAP and its partners, visit

Net Zero at Marlborough Sports Garden

Sustainability is an ongoing commitment. Marlborough Sports Garden will be run with net zero in mind – we want this project to have benefits for our community far into the future. Our sustainable approach goes beyond planning and construction, it will impact what we add to the site and how it is run for years to come.

In addition to the existing green features like planting and green roofs, our plans incorporate space for climbing plants, additional green roofs, and rainwater collection for sustainable maintenance. The building itself will harness the power of solar panels and heat source pumps, ensuring a low-carbon footprint.

As we move forward, our dedication to environmental responsibility will be evident in every aspect of the site's development and operation, from robust recycling policies to thoughtful water management.

Get involved

If you are interested in supporting our project or finding out more, email:

Mary Trafford