Upcoming Park Steering Groups for Mint Street Park and Little Dorrit Park

Park Steering Groups are your chance to have your say about your local park, they also help us share plans for green spaces and are a wonderful way to meet your neighbours and get more involved in where you live.

We have 2 Steering Groups coming up representing parks that are owned by Southwark Council, but which we help to care for with our volunteers. If you want to get more involved with Mint Street Park and Little Dorrit Park, join us and join in!

Mint Street Park Steering Group - Friday 19 July

At Red Cross Garden, 4pm

Join our Parks Team for our Mint Street Park Steering Group this coming Friday. We'll be chatting through our management of the planting areas at the park and inviting your thoughts and concerns about Mint Street. A great chance to meet neighbours, and enjoy a spot of cake too!

Little Dorrit Park Steering Group - Friday 26 July

At Red Cross Garden, 4pm

We'd love to hear your thoughts and concerns for Little Dorrit Park. Join us for tea, cake and discussion to help shape future plans for this much loved play and green space in our community.

Find out more about Park Steering Groups

For information about either steering group email joe@bost.org.uk

Mary Trafford