Crossbones Graveyard on the BBC

Crossbones Graveyard and garden of remembrance is the star of an audio feature to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 16 August at 11.45am. Part of the station’s New Storytellers series the piece, named The Outcast Dead and Alive, was created by Goldsmith’s student Grace Reeve, who was received gold for her work in The Charles Parker Prize for the best student audio feature.

The Outcast Dead and Alive features sounds of the garden and the voices of people involved in caring for it and protecting the space’s traditions and history. This includes our previous Crossbones gardener Matt as well as Natalie and Jen of the monthly vigils. We also hear extracts from John Constable's Southwark Mysteries and Spark in the Dark.

To listen, tune in on 16 August at 11.45am - click here for a link to the BBC’s page for the show.

The Southwark Mysteries

The Southwark Mysteries were written after the writer John Constable had what he calls a 'visitation' in 1996 which showed him the location of the graveyard. Further exploration revealed some of the garden’s secrets, and John and others went on to protect and celebrate the garden - later bringing in Bankside Open Spaces Trust for support. More about the story of Crossbones can be found here.

About Grace Reeve

Grace is studying an MA in Audio, Radio and Podcasting at Goldsmiths, University of London. The judges said her Gold Prize winning feature, The Outcast Dead and Alive, was “fantastical, bonkers and rather wonderful. Unusual, profound and embedded deep in the social history of ordinary people: it's made me want to go visit the graveyard!"

Mary Trafford