FREE afterschool sports at Marlborough Sports Garden

FREE, fun and active afterschool sports sessions for children and young people run from Tue-Thur at Marlborough Sports Garden all through the spring and summer term. There’s something for everyone throughout the week!

All levels are welcome at our free sessions - they are a great way of trying out a sport, honing skills, and staying active and sociable with friends after school!

Download our afterschool sports flyer!

Booking afterschool sports sessions

To take part in our afterschool sports, all children must be registered. To register, click here: Registration


See below for our full autumn programme 2024. Remember, you need to book your child(ren) onto the sessions they’d like to do. Click here to book.

What’s on offer - Marlborough Sports Garden’s autumn afterschool sports sessions


  • Touch Rugby. 3:45-5:15pm for ages 5-11, delivered by LSBU

  • Girls’ Football, 3:45-5pm for ages 5-11 (girls only), delivered by Girls United

  • Rollerskating to music, advanced. 3.45-5.15pm for ages 5-11, delivered by Empowr CIC
    Please note: Unfortunately, this time we cannot provide equipment for everyone, so please bring your own rollerblades or rollerskates, helmets and pads.



  • Beach volleyball, 3.45-5.15pm for ages 5-11, delivered by Sideout

  • Rollerskating to music, beginners. 3.45-5.15pm for ages 5-11, delivered by Empowr CIC

  • Cricket. 3.45-5.15pm for ages 8-11, delivered by Surrey Cricket Foundation

  • Wall Ball. 3.45-4.30pm for ages 8-11 and 4:30-5:30pm for ages 11+, delivered by UK Wall Ball

Mondays and Fridays are kept clear for local school children to enjoy free play in our open spaces - go wild in Marlborough Sports Garden and let your imagination run!

Please register for afterschool sports here: