Marlborough Sports Garden Providing space for Young People

During August the Marlborough Sports Garden played host to a range of sports provision for children and young people. We worked very closely with coaches and sport providers to ensure all activities were as Covid safe as possible.

We were able to provide a much-needed outlet for young people following many months of being indoors including:

  • multi-sports summer camp run by Regan's Soccer School offering 133 hours of sports activities for 4-11 year olds.  London Metropolitan Police Officers, Andy and Paul, from the Southwark Schools and Youth portfolio joined the camp to help with delivery and held a question and answer session with our young people.

  • With funding from Southwark Council and in collaboration with Active Communities Network's 'Mad About Football' programme, we also hosted 60 hours of coached football for 11-19 year-olds. 

  • Started a new weekly, free 'Open Gym' fitness session for 18+ in collaboration with our new onsite fitness experts, The Fitting Rooms.

  • New collaborations with Deuce Beach Tennis and Jikishin Ju Jitsu Association 


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Sarah Mangan