Waterloo Green welcomes Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick

The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government visited Waterloo Millennium Green on 5 March 2020 as part of his announcement that dozens of community groups will receive funding to transform neglected urban spaces into thriving green havens for the whole community to use.

The £1.35 million funding will help community groups create 19 brand new parks and refurbish 49 currently unused and unloved plots of land, breathing new, green life into our towns and cities and increasing biodiversity across England.

Bankside Open Spaces Trust was one of 10 groups in London awarded funding. Known as Pocket Parks Funding, the money from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) is designed to create and refurbish small green spaces.

Bankside open Spaces Trust received Pocket Parks funding in 2019 for Waterloo Green and this year’s funding will also be spent on the green to help finalise our radical improvements to the park.

Over the past year on the green, we’ve:

  • Turned an expensive and unsustainable water feature into a rain garden featuring plants for pollinators, drought resistant plants and a sand bed, which filters rainwater slowly.

  • Fixed the cascade water feature to retain a focal point and provide water for wildlife.

  • Improved paths, steps and the food stall area.

  • Increased planting and added log piles to create more habitats for wildlife.

  • Encouraged more volunteering with events, planting days and workshops.

  • Added two large insect sculptures set within the planting area.

  • Hosted groups from businesses to help maintain the park to a high standard.

As a result of these changes we have seen anti-social behaviour in the park fall and visitor numbers increase. The Trust was delighted to be selected for Pocket Parks funding again this year. The funding will cover a nature trail, natural play equipment and more planting on Waterloo Green, helping to engage local families with nature and encourage more wildlife to the park. 

We were also delighted to welcome Allison Ogden-Newton, Chief Executive of Keep Britain Tidy, and Carl McClean, International Development Manager – Green Flag Award, to the Green too representing parks and open spaces. Waterloo Millennium Green holds a Green Flag Community award, a mark of excellence for parks across the world.

Photos: Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), centre image credit: Allison Ogden-Newton.

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