UK's first Community Wall Ball Court now at The Marlborough

Partnering with UK Wallball, and the Jack Petchey Foundation we have added yet another sports facility available for local people to use for FREE at The Marlborough Sports Garden in Union Street.

On the 7th April 2021 we opened the first ever community Wallball court in the UK. This facility not only gives the community an opportunity to get active and play Wallball, but also pioneers the way forward for Urban Activity across the UK.

With its street-art inspired design, the wall stands out and brings a hit of colour to its surroundings. The mural encourages people to get stuck in and get active. Next to the court, a poster with a QR code links to an online instructional video, and nearby a vending machine supplies a ball if needed for only £1 each. Everything you need to get going is right there.


Wallball is a sport designed for inner-cities. You have to hit a ball against a wall with your hand. It’s incredibly simple, accessible and, crucially, cheap. All you need is a wall and a ball. The UK Wallball organisation is an award winning National Governing Body run by NHS Doctor and Clinical Entrepreneur, Daniel Grant. The organisation is making waves at the moment, innovating new ways to get people from all backgrounds active. Their project is growing fast in schools, leisure centres and therapeutic settings with help from like-minded supporters such as the Jack Petchey Foundation.

The court marks the first step in emulating the New York model; a city similar to London, which now has over 2,500 community Wallball courts – all free to access to anyone across the city – though none quite so colourful.

The court is also trailblazing the way forward for the emerging field of Urban Activity, which is high on the agendas of both Sport England and the NHS as these organisations realise the importance of easing access to sport in an increasingly built up and grey environment.

A cause which UK Wallball’s Director, Dr Daniel Grant cares about passionately. David said,

“This court is incredibly exciting for us.  Any player is going to have a brilliant time playing and with everything we’ve installed here you don’t even need a coach. You can literally teach yourself by watching a video and grabbing a ball from the vending machine. Wallball’s greatest strength is its simplicity and that is playing out in full here. Behind the scenes, by breaking down barriers to getting active, initiatives like this will help to improve both the physical and mental health of anyone who engages, either as players on the court or as artists, chefs, DJs and volunteers off it.”

Jack Harrison, Sports Development Manager at Marlborough Sport Garden, said:

“With eight primary schools (over 3,000 pupils) within walking distance of the Marlborough Sports Garden (MSG), and two adjoining the site, children are our biggest users of the space. Our vision for the MSG is to create an environment where children and young people can find it easier to eat well, exercise more, develop a love for and proficiency in many sports, and establish healthy habits for life. With the introduction of the U.K’s first ever community Wallball court, BOST are one step closer to achieving our vision.”

Wall Ball at The Marlborough in the press

Sarah Mangan