A Huge THANK YOU.....

It's one year on since the first lockdown began and we wanted to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all the support we have received in the last twelve months. As a charity, we have been hit hard by the pandemic and, more than ever before, we have had to rely on the generosity of donors, grantmakers and supporters to continue our work.

In April 2020, we launched a Save Our Parks appeal online and we were so touched by the response. The funds raised through this appeal were our first emergency funds, giving us some security right at the start of the crisis. This past year, we have also worked with some incredible funders who have either supported our work with new grants and donations, or have given us the flexibility needed to adapt and continue our work.

These include:
Arts Council England, Better Bankside, Brigade Court, Charterhouse in Southwark, CIT Group, Endurance Land, Fabrix, Flat Iron Square, Fosters Charitable Trust, Great Portland Estates, Greater London Authority, Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation, Howard Kennedy LLP, Investec, Keltbray, Kusuma Trust UK, Landsec, London Borough of Southwark, London Borough of Lambeth, London Community Response Fund (wave 2), London Marathon Charitable Trust, Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (MPGA), Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (Pocket Parks), Native Land, Paddington Development Trust: EQUIP, Peer Group PLC, Postcode Neighbourhood Trust, Power to Change, Royal Parks, School for Social Entrepreneurs, Sport England, Southwark Construction Skills Centre, Tallow Chandlers Benevolent Fund, The Birrane Foundation, The Worshipful Company of Gardeners, U+I, Union Street Partners, United St Saviour's Charity, Vinegar Yard, and those who wish to remain anonymous.

Sarah Mangan