Our landscaping service - The Landscape Academy launches!

Expert Landscaping services and consultancy

Expert Landscaping services and consultancy

With funding from the Kusuma Trust and Black Rock, we’ve developed The Landscape Academy – offering expert landscaping services and consultancy to commercial, local authority and community clients.

Drawing on 20 years of award-winning expertise in protecting, preserving and managing parks, gardens and other amenities in SE1, our Landscape Academy helps create beautiful, sustainable spaces. We offer a wide range of landscaping and gardening services including community consultation, design, project management, installation and maintenance.

Designed to build the skills of newly qualified gardeners coming through our Future Gardeners programme, all income generated also comes back to Bankside Open Spaces Trust. So when clients choose to work with us, they not only boost their green spaces, they support open spaces, volunteering and training the next generation of gardeners too.

If you’d like to talk to us about landscaping services or consultancy for your open space, please do get in touch with Helen John via 07776063050 or email hej@bost.org.uk.

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Mary Trafford