Marlborough Sports Garden Consultation - get involved!
Our architects have drawn up initial plans for the development of Marlborough Sports Garden - we’d love to hear your feedback - you can use the form below.
Marlborough Sports Garden is changing – and you can be part of it by downloading our consultation boards and submitting your feedback via email or the form below.
Since taking over the management of the Marlborough in 2012, Bankside Open Spaces Trust has been working to ensure the site offers our community a range of ways to stay healthy and active. But, we have always wanted to offer more to our users – indoor space, more shade and seating, toilets and far more greenery – and for a long time our plans have been just that... plans.
Now, thanks to Southwark Council, we have secured funding to turn our plans into reality and we are so excited to be launching the final phase of our development of Marlborough Sports Garden. An architect has been appointed, Cullinan Studio, and we are now going through a three stage consultation process to ensure the new development meets the needs of all who use the site.
Stage 1 was an online survey, which then fed into a live event on site on 27 August. Visitors to Marlborough Sports Garden that day were able to take a look at our consultation boards and offer feedback on the drawings of what the site might look like in the future. Stage 3 will involve another event at the end of this month to show how the architects have used the feedback to develop the proposals – we hope you can make it, keep an eye on our social media or News pages for details.
Some of the feedback gathered so far includes:
If you would like to take a look at the current proposals please download our consultation boards here: Consultation Boards Marlborough Sports Garden
We are keen to hear your thoughts so would encourage you to email or fill in the form below with your comments.
At the end of this consultation process, we hope to make a planning submission by the end of the year, we will endeavour to incorporate as much of our community’s feedback as we can so that the new site continues to be a place for everyone to enjoy.