Buzzin' events for the National Park City Festival

The London National Park City Festival runs from 20-28 July 2019 and will mark London becoming a National Park City and celebrate London’s amazing outdoors.  Bankside Open spaces Trust is abuzz with excitement because we have two fantastic events running in the festival, celebrating our open spaces and the wildlife who visit them.

22-23 July, 1-2pm. Secret Gardens of SE1, a guided walking tour starting at Red Cross Garden. To book a space click here.

23 July, 2-4pm, Red Cross Garden - Buzzin’ Bees, a free family focused event all about bees! Meet a beekeeper and their visiting hive, find out about bee friendly planting and take part in fun crafts. Plus tea and cake! To book click here.

Secret Garden's of SE1 and Buzzin' Bees National Park City Festival Events 2019.jpg
Sarah Mangan